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Disco Afrika : A Malagasy Story

Luck Razanajaona

France, Madagascar, Germany, Mauritius, Qatar, South Africa

Play Video

Director's Biography

Luck Razanajaona is a young Malagasy filmmaker who graduated from the Marrakech School of Visual Arts. He has taken part in prestigious programmes such as Berlinale Talents, the Rotterdam Lab, and La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde in Cannes to develop his film projects. His short films and documentaries have been selected for numerous festivals around the world. Disco Afrika, produced by We Film is his first feature film.

Screenings :
Thu 30 / 15h00 / Salle des Ministres
Fri 01 / 16h00 / Cinéma le Colisée
Thu 30 / 15h00 / Salle des Ministres
Fri 01 / 16h00 / Cinéma le Colisée

In the presence of the film crew

Madagascar, nowadays. Twenty-year-old Kwame, who struggles to make a living in the clandestine sapphire mines, is taken back to his hometown by an unexpected turn of events. As he reunites with his mother and old friends, he finds himself confronted with the rampant corruption plaguing his country. Now, he will have to choose between easy money and loyalty; between individualism and political awakening.

Director Luck Razanajaona

Producer Jonathan Rubin

Screenwriter François Hébert, Luck Razanajaona, Marcelo Novais Teles

Cinematographer Raphaël O’Byrne

Editor Marianne Haroche, Patrick Minks

Sound Julien Verstraete, Pierre George

Colour Colour

Supported by

Parista Sambo, Laurette Ramasinjanahary, Joe Lerova, Drwina Razafimahaleo, Jérôme Oza

Production Company We Film


France, Madagascar, Germany, Mauritius, Qatar, South Africa





